Friday, October 18, 2013

Hannibal The Instagram Cannibal

Hannibal is a little far-fetched. Not once has he posted a food shot on instagram...

If there isn't an official instagram account for photos of the food he makes on the show, the marketing people really need to get on that.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Are the makers of The Blacklist just pandering to my taste in music now?

I didn't think I'd be posting about this show again so soon, but I had to mention this. After watching the pilot, I made a post where I said that among my main complaints about the show is the "horrendously cheesy and heavy-handed" music choices. I was just watching the third episode, and an Underworld song called "Bird 1" started playing. I've actually mentioned on this blog before that Underworld is one of my favorite bands.

Probably just a coincidence though, right? Haha

Even though I still think it would be better if they just used a completely instrumental score, I'm glad to say their music choices are getting better as of the third episode. Not only the songs they pick, but the way that they're used too. I guess we'll see if it stays better. James Spader is still great, Megan Boone's performance has improved since the pilot, and I've been enjoying the guest stars (Isabella Rossellini, Chin Han) so far. Speaking of guest stars, in the preview for the next episode was that Tom Noonan from Manhunter? If so, I guess they're not really trying to downplay the parallels to the Hannibal Lecter franchise.