Thursday, May 15, 2014

Ben Affleck as Batman and Superman.

Back in August when Ben Affleck was cast as Bruce Wayne in the upcoming Man Of Steel sequel (Superman vs Batman or Batman vs Superman or whatever it's going to be called), I made a post in which I said this:

                    A CINEMATIC MIND
          I can't wait until they release the first photo of him in the new
          batsuit so that I can put it together with a photo of him wearing the
          Superman suit in the movie Hollywoodland, in which he played George 
          Reeves, the actor who portrayed the titular superhero in the
          television show Adventures of Superman. Of course, now I can't help
          but to imagine a Ben Affleck Batman fighting a Ben Affleck Superman.
          You know you'd pay to watch that.

Well the other day Zack Snyder shared a photo of Affleck in the new batsuit on twitter, so here you go!